Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lebanese Rice with Egg Noodles

At home we have always made our rice with egg noodles. I never thought it was made any other way before I started going out to restaurants.  This way of making rice is very easy and is a good option for dinner parties because it looks impressive.  I've even taught the Fisherman to make it too and he now thinks he is the expert!!!   This rice works very well with hearty dishes like lamb shanks.

Serves about 4

1 cup long grain white rice
1 or 2 birds nests of egg noodles
~1 teaspoon of butter
Dash of vegetable oil (so the butter doesn't burn)
Salt to taste


1. Wash the rice thoroughly under cold water until the water runs clear to remove all of the starch.  Drain and leave aside.

2. Place a small pot on the stove with medium-high heat, crush the egg noodles into the pot and add the vegetable oil and butter.

Using a wooden spoon, constantly stir the egg noodles until they start to go golden brown making sure they dont burn. It is a fine line between going one step too far and burning them.  Take the pot off the heat and immediately add the rice to the pot and stir. Add about a half teaspoon of salt and stir back on the heat.

3.  Add 2 cups of cold water to the pot and place back on a high heat.  Taste the water and if it is not salty enough then add more salt at this point.

4.  When you see the water just begin to boil cover and place the pot on the smallest burner on the stove and turn on the lowest setting.

5.  Check the rice about 20 min later, if still hard leave a bit longer.

Ready to serve!

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