Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I really love Hummus, I grew up eating this at every family gathering.  Its a perfect side dish for chicken, lamb and salad, especially Tabbouli or Fattoush.

I have adapted this recipe from my mum's traditional recipe. Of course I've had to add measurements to mine...

1 1/2 cups of dried chickpeas
1 teaspoon of bicarb soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 clove garlic
1 cup tahini (or thereabouts, depending on taste)
2/3 cups lemon juice (or thereabouts, depending on taste)
Boiled water
Good quality Extra-Virgin Olive oil
Paprika, for garnish
Parsley leaves, for garnish

To begin, cover the chickpeas with water and add the bicarb soda, mix and leave overnight.  The chickpeas will double in volume.  The next day, rinse the chickpeas thoroughly and place in a pot cover with water and bring to the boil.  When boiling, foam will form on the top of the chickpeas, make sure you remove this foam and discard.  Once foam is removed reduce the heat to medium, cover and simmer for 40 minutes or until the chickpeas are very soft.  To test I try to squash a chickpea between my fingers.
Drain but keep the chickpeas warm.

In a food processor, process the salt and garlic.  Add the chickpeas (keep a few on the side for garnish) and blend until smooth, gradually add the tahini and lemon juice (alternate these) and taste in between - this process allows you to learn what you prefer taste wise.  I sometimes add more salt at this stage also.  Also remember to stop the processor to scrape down the sides to ensure even mixing.

When I think I have the flavour correct I usually find the Hummus is thick, at this stage I add boiled water to the running machine until I get the texture I like but not too runny. Then I add couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the processor also, this helps prevent a crust forming on the top of the dip when you place in a serving platter.

Finally, time to serve. Pour into a serving bowl and sprinkle with Paprika and few parsley leaves and in the middle place the chickpeas placed aside. Then pour a little olive oil over the top.  Serve with fresh lebanese bread.  You will never want to buy this again - so easy...

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